B I O P L A S T I C S / R E C Y C A B L E S
Bioplastics are plastic materials produced from renewable biomass sources, such as vegetable fats and oils, corn starch, straw, woodchips, sawdust, recycled food waste, etc. Some bioplastics are obtained by processing directly from natural biopolymers including polysaccharides (e.g. starch, cellulose, chitosan and alginate) and proteins (e.g. soy protein, gluten and gelatin), while others are chemically synthesised from sugar derivatives (e.g. lactic acid) and lipids (oils and fats) from either plants or animals, or biologically generated by fermentation of sugars or lipids.
by Francesco Langer
3D printing has arrived in our living rooms and can create functional objects that are eye-catching and sustainable. I payed special attention to the use of high quality and recycled materials and have therefore chosen PETG from Reflow. This family of vases was created with the help of a 3D scanner, with capturing structures of trees from different continents and using them as base material.